A Bundle-Based Dual Method for Discrete Portfolio Selection Problem; Convergence Analysis on Conjugate Gradient Algorithm with an Inexact Linear Search 离散投资组合问题的一种基于Bundle对偶搜索的精确算法一类非精确线性搜索下共轭梯度法的收敛性分析
Application of Conjugate Gradient Algorithm in Combining Forecasting Mode of the Population 线性组合模型及在人口预测中的应用
An adaptive conjugate gradient algorithm based on subband decompsition structure was proposed for acoustic echo cancellation in communication systems. 针对通信系统中的声学回声干扰问题,研究了一种快速收敛和有效的自适应回声抵消算法。
A new conjugate gradient algorithm with a new inexact line search is gived, the descent directions has produced in each iterative with the inexact line search. 文章给出了一种新的非精确线性搜索下的共轭梯度法,说明了在新线性搜索下每次迭代能够产生下降方向。
If the scatter selected in phase gradient algorithm ( PGA) algorithm is not isolated, the accuracy of the phase error estimation will be degraded. 当相位梯度算法挑选的散射点不是孤立散射点时,导致相位误差估计的准确性下降。
Gradient Algorithm for Sequential Extraction of Independent Component Based on Kurtosis 基于峭度的独立分量逐次提取梯度算法
The decreasing gradient algorithm and chaos algorithm both have shortcomings for optimization problems. 梯度下降法与混沌优化法均具有各自的缺点。
For searching for all local optimization of the multi-modal function, a chaos-PSO algorithm based on nonlinear conjugate gradient algorithm was proposed. 为了寻找多峰函数的全部极值点,提出一种基于非线性共轭梯度法的混沌微粒群算法。
Chaotic particle swarm optimization algorithm based on nonlinear conjugate gradient algorithm 基于非线性共轭梯度法的混沌微粒群优化算法
Moreover, an improved conjugate gradient algorithm is used to train the network and to overcome the shortcoming of easily trapping into local minimum points. 网络训练时采用共轭梯度学习算法并对此算法进行了改进,有效的克服了梯度学习算法容易陷入局部极小的缺点。
Conjugate Gradient Algorithm Based on Directions of Negative Curvature in Complex Domain 基于负曲率方向的复数域共轭梯度法
Analysis of an Optimized Conjugate Gradient Algorithm for Antenna-Radome System 天线-天线罩系统分析的优化共轭梯度算法
The Research and Application on Density Gradient Algorithm in the Classification and Synthesis of Load Dynamic Characteristics 密度梯度算法在负荷动特性分类与综合中的研究与应用
Stochastic Gradient Algorithm for Echo Canceler in Voice Band Data Transmission 话带数据传输回波抵消器的随机梯度算法
In this paper, a modified multi-scale morphological gradient algorithm is proposed in image processing. 论文对多尺度形态梯度算子进行改进,并将其应用于图像的边缘检测。
One kind of alternant gradient algorithm for improving the training of Radial Basis Function ( RBF) neural network is proposed. 提出一种交替梯度算法,对径向基函数(RBF)神经网络的训练进行改进。
The natural gradient algorithm works more efficiently than the ordinary gradient algorithm, and the block recursive method is feasible to real-time processing. 自然梯度算法比随机梯度算法有更好的收敛性能和数值稳定性,块递归算法需要较少的运算时间。
Improved conjugate gradient algorithm based on ANN 基于人工神经网络的改进共轭梯度算法研究
The trackability limitation of current gradient algorithm is discussed. A new algorithm, named variable parameter gradient estimation algorithm with local polynomial approximation is proposed. 本文分析了梯度辨识算法跟踪时变系统的缺点,提出了一种新的基于局部多项式逼近的变参数梯度估计算法。
Conjugate Gradient Algorithm for a Kind of Convex Quadratic Programming under Equality Constraints 一类等式约束下的凸二次规划的共轭梯度算法
Consider the typical problem of blind source separation, natural gradient algorithm using blind signal separation. 考虑典型的盲信源分离问题,用自然梯度算法实现盲信号分离。
The basis vectors of the natural images were obtained by using fast conjugate gradient algorithm. 丈中利用双梯度算法对自然图像的基向量进行迭代学习。
This NNSC model utilizes the optimized method that combines the gradient and multiplicative algorithm to learn the feature coefficients, and only the gradient algorithm to learn feature vectors. 该模型利用梯度和倍增因子相结合的优化算法实现特征系数的学习;
Constrained conjugate gradient algorithm for image restoration in high-energy radiography 基于约束共轭梯度的高能闪光照相图像复原算法
Based on different properties of the coefficient modulus of the signal in different scale wavelet transform, conjunction the best estimate of gradient algorithm an edge detecting method is proposed. 基于信号在不同尺度下小波变换系数模不同的变化特征,结合最优梯度估计算法提出了一种边缘检测方法。
In this control structure, an SVM is used as identifier, the control signal is solved by an exponentiated gradient algorithm. 该控制结构以支持向量机为辨识器,并用指数梯度算法来求控制作用。
Convergence Analysis on Conjugate Gradient Algorithm with an Inexact Linear Search 一类非精确线性搜索下共轭梯度法的收敛性分析
Gradient algorithm has been widely used for training the weights of feedforward neural networks. 梯度算法广泛应用于训练前馈神经网络。
Acoustic impedance inversion using improved conjugate gradient algorithm 用改进的共轭梯度算法解波阻抗反演问题
This paper proposes one kind of alternant gradient algorithm for improving the training of RBF neural network, which is applied to short-term electric load. 提出了一种交替梯度算法对径向基函数(RBF)神经网络的训练方法进行改进,并将之运用于电力系统短期负荷预测。